Department Of Computer Science

ORIC Introduction

ORIC was established in 2011 with the aim of linking university research directly with educational, social and economic priorities of CUI and its broader community. Its slogan is “Creating endless opportunities by transforming research into prosperity" The ORIC at CUI operates with the following Terms of Reference:

  • Enhancing research culture
  • Building university – industry linkages
  • Identify research grant opportunities for faculty to apply for funding
  • Facilitate faculty to apply for research / travel grants
  • Provide legal, administrative and financial management support of research grants
  • Providing guidelines to all departments/ faculty to apply for research grants
  • Creating awareness regarding the ongoing research

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Message from the Head ORIC

Prof. Dr. habil. Shamsul Qamar

COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) has always focused on providing quality higher education to society since its inception. CUI believes that countries can develop economically and flourish only by promoting active research culture and embarking upon a continual process of knowledge-building, for enhancing industrial and agricultural productivity. At CUI, research, discovery, and exploration of new avenues for public service are carried out with utmost dedication through a rational approach to teaching and learning. ORIC was established at CUI in 2011 and given the role to facilitate academicians and students to carry out meaningful research, define strategy and streamline processes, with the collaboration of major stakeholders. Read More...

Message from the Research Focal Person ORIC

Prof. Dr. Nadia Nawaz

“The mission of CUI meshes very well with its strategic aim of developing a knowledge economy benefitting socio-economic environment in the country. To fulfill this purpose, the Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) was established in 2011 with the aim of linking university research directly with educational, social, and economic priorities of CUI and its broader community. Its slogan is “creating endless opportunities by transforming research into prosperity”. Establishing the liaison among the University, industry and society and to find appropriate placement for our graduates in the competitive market are the primary focused of ORIC at CUI Wah. Additionally, this liaison between university and industry will offer research based solutions to the industrial problems. Read More...

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