Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Communication and Networks

    The Communication and Network research group undertakes research and development in current and future communications networks. The research group brings together multi-disciplinary researchers in the general area of communication and networking including Mobile/UAV Communications, Smart Grid, Wireless Communications and Networks, Applied Optimization for Wireless communication, Signal and Video Processing, Self-Organized Wireless Networks/V2X, Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, and Internet-of-Things. In addition, the group has a keen interest on developing protocols, algorithms, architectures and systems that can provide dramatic improvements in these areas of national level interest. Our group have a number of publications in international journals and conferences published. Please feel free to browse through our faculty profiles to find out who we are, what research we do and courses and research opportunities we offer.

    Team Leader: Dr. Zeeshan Kaleem


  • Electrical Power Engineering

    Electrical power research group emphasizes all aspects of electrical energy for the simplification of technological issues as well as for the solution of societal problems pertaining to technology. The research area mainly includes electrical energy distribution and management, renewable energy and power system protection. The group is involved in optimization of smart grid, applications of telecommunication in smart grid and smart grid energy management at distribution level. Moreover, some of the group members also undertake research in grounding of power substation. The research in the area of grounding system mainly involves topology detection, fault diagnosis, and design of substation grounding grid. Recently we have started working on fault diagnosis of grounding grid by using Electrical Impedance Tomography. This work will introduce the application of electrical impedance tomography in power engineering. A number of master and PhD students are also engaged with the research group in carrying out their research. The group has a number of publications in international journals and conferences. Please feel free to browse through the faulty profiles to find out more.

    Team Leader: Dr. Aamir Qamar


  • Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence

    Recent technologies based on artificial intelligence are shaping the world, which motivate the team to divert their research towards intelligent solutions utilizing different techniques, including artificial neural networks, deep learning, fuzzy systems and optimization techniques. The Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Group investigates and develops various tools and techniques for analyzing and modeling visual data, with an aim to propose novel solutions to different challenges. Typical research problems are, for example, object detection, motion estimation and tracking, and visual scene understanding. In addition, the group investigates automatic control and disturbance estimation in industrial systems. The major area of studies of this group includes, Subspace clustering and shape understanding, Unsupervised/Supervised segmentation of natural images, Real time and multi-view action recognition, Pedestrian detection and tracking, Natural language processing, Bio-medical image analysis, Adaptive and incremental learning, Intelligent resource management, Design of hardware accelerators for computer vision applications, System modeling and intelligent control, Estimation of physical properties for nanostructured superconducting films.

    Team Leader: Dr. Tallha Akram


  • Advanced Digital Design (ADD) group

    The Advanced Digital Design (ADD) research group is established under the umbrella of Electrical Engineering Department of COMSATS Institute of IT, Wah. This group is involved in the design of high performance digital systems (satisfying area, speed and power metrics) for a vast range of applications. The research activities of this group span all levels of abstraction including high level description and HDL design, functional verification and simulation, bit true software modeling and FPGA prototyping, physical layout and placement. The research activities are targeted for a number of key applications i.e. signal processing, control, advanced video coding, forward error correction for next generation communication standards, In addition, the group is also involved in research on formal verification and asynchronous digital design.

    Team Leader: Dr. Muhammad Awais


Department of Civil Engineering

  • Structural Engineering Research Group (SERG)

    Research activities of SERG focused on the seismic evaluation of existing structures and devising remedial measures to safeguard structures in the wake of disastrous events. The structural engineering lab at COMSATS wah campus is well equipped to conduct experimental testing of small to medium scale physical specimens of RC and brick structures. A dedicated Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of 1000 kN imported from Shimadzu Japan is installed to meet the commercial and research requirements of material testing. Recently, a 14 feet reaction frame equipped with Hydraulic Jack of 3000 kN capacity, is installed in the structural engineering lab to conduct quasi-static testing of structural and non-structural elements. Apart from experimental testing, the SERG is actively involved in numerical and analytical studies of existing structures to develop fragilities functions for existing buildings in Pakistan, which would help to develop effective retrofitting strategies. Our group have a number of publications in international journals and conferences published.

    Team Leader: Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmad


  • Materials Engineering Research Group

    Research carried out in MERG is strongly driven by environmental and sustainability issues and covers all aspects of concrete materials, their testing and characterization, with main focus on their short term and long term strength and durability performance. The current research topics include sustainable concrete with waste materials, High performance and Ultra High Performance Concrete using locally available materials, Recycled Aggregate Concrete with plastic waste etc.

    Team Leader: Dr. Adnan Nawaz


  • Construction and Engineering Management Research Group (CEMRG)

    The group is involved in research associated with the problems encountered during the planning and execution stages of a project. These problems are related to safety aspects of employees working on construction projects, intra and inter-organizational conflicts and interface management. The group is also involved in addressing problems that hold significance with regard to ground water recharge and soil erosion susceptibility mapping along the CPEC route using Building Information Modeling (BIM) techniques and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The group has also published research papers related to organizational issues that have significant influence on Project Performance; for example, the influence of perceived fairness in the handling of construction claims on potential to dispute and the influence of managerial control mechanisms on project performance. The group has also been involved in the identification of factors playing significant role in the internationalization of construction contracting firms of Pakistan. The group is also involved in the investigation of the influence of conflicts on unsafe behavior of individuals working on construction projects. In sum, the group’s research focus is wide-ranging that spans across many focus areas of construction management including safety, interface management, project performance, international business, GIS, BIM, waste management, claims management and conflict management

    Team Leader: Dr. Ahsen Maqsoom


  • Transportation Engineering Research Group (TERG)

    Research carried out in TERG focuses on advanced research oriented experiments for assessing the engineering properties and behaviors of new paving materials and recycled paving materials. It is also well equipped to support research activities in the area of nondestructive field evaluation of in-service road. Research covers a variety of topics, including resilient infrastructure systems, transportation planning, traffic system operations, intelligent transportation systems, travel behavior and demand modeling, traffic safety, human factors analysis and sustainable transportation infrastructure design.

    Team Leader: Dr. Danish Farooq


Department of Management Sciences

Department of Computer Sciences

  • Data Science, Software Engineering, Technology & Society (D-SETS)

    D-SETS actively pursue research in three tracks including Data Science, Software Engineering, and Technology & Society. Data Science track along with Data Mining focuses Learning, Analytics and Retrieval areas from recent research perspective. Software Engineering track aims theoretical and empirical research possibilities in throughout life cycle of software development. The third track of Technology & Society centers designing & evaluating quality interaction experience for common and special users of software systems; and investigating impact of technology on societies. Followings are focus areas of D-SETS

    Software Engineering
    • Software Process Modeling
    • Software Architecture
    • Requirement Engineering
    • Software Management
    • Software Testing & Evaluation
    Human Computer Interaction & Technology Impact on Society
    • Interaction Design for General and Special users
    • Special Persons Interaction with Technology
    • Usability Evaluation of Software Systems
    • Technology Acceptance/ Usability Evaluation
    • Implications of Computer Assisted Instructions (CAI)
    Data Science: Data Mining, Analytics and Learning
    • Social Web Data Analysis
    • Sentiment Analysis & Emotion Detection
    • Recommender Systems
    • Data Issue Analysis-Spam Detection, Fake news & Rumor, Fraud Detection
    • Business Intelligence
    Information Retrieval & Scientometrics
    • Finding Top Influential Users in Social web
    • Ranking Authors, Journals, Conferences
    • Social Network Analysis and Mining
    • Academic/ Scientometrics Analysis
    • Query based Information Retrieval

    Team Leader: Dr. Hikmat Ullah Khan


  • Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems

    Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (CVIS) is a research-facilitating group of professionals and academicians covering dynamic trends of image processing, machine learning, and core artificial intelligence fields. The group is focused to enhance and strengthen academia-industry linkage by introducing automated and intelligent systems. The group members actively participated as resource persons in seminars, workshops, symposiums, and their research work are widely recognized in highly reputable journals and conferences. CVIS undergoes several national and international level fully funded research and software projects covering medical, agricultural, and surveillance systems along with other prominent domains. Group has vast vision and ready to face the challenging needs of upcoming artificial intelligence and image processing based computational tasks. It aims to develop a more competitive society empowered by computer vision and machine intelligence. Faculty profiles are available at the campus website for further reference and consultation.


  • Cyber Security, Wireless Networks, and Distributed Computing

    Due to the advances in communication and networking technologies, the entire world has become a global village. Further, it has enabled scientists to explore the opportunity of living on other planets. Consequently, it has improved the quality of our social and economic life. Besides these benefits, it also offers the challenges to meet the requirements of future applications. Our research group works on a wide range of topics in the field of Cyber Security, Wireless networks, and Distributed Computing. The main research focus of this group is on the following topics.

    • Networks on Chip
    • Multi-Processor System on Chip
    • Machine Learning
    • Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs)/Internet-of-things (IoT)
    • Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
    • Delay Tolerant Network (DTN)
    • Data-driven Intelligence in Wireless Networks
    • Blockchain
    • Cyber Security
    • Distributed Computing

    Team Leader: Dr. Nadir Shah


Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Design and Manufacturing Group
    Research group focuses on;
    • Design, development, and implementation of Alternate energy technologies including power production using photovoltaic systems, Biogas, Micro hydro Power Plants etc.
    • Application of Modular Design approaches and Enterprise Engineering


  • Thermal Fluid Sciences Group

    Thermal-fluid research group carry out research on thermophysical properties of solids and fluid mixtures. Research group focuses on the heat transfer and thermodynamics in applied engineering problems. The major focus of the research group is on the development of state-of-the-art thermphysical property measurement apparatus for a variety of materials including solids, fluids or fluid mixtures, and pasts. Measurement of thermophysical properties through experiments and numerical simulations in insulation and building materials is the future objective of the group. In addition, the group members are also involved in developing high thermal conductivity nano-fluids to enhance the heat transfer rate in heat exchangers and automobile radiators.

    Team Leader: Dr. Muhammad Abid


    Achievement Highlights
    • •     International Collaborations: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany and TU Braunschweig, Germany
    • •     Publications: 15 Journal Papers, 10 Conference Papers
    • •     Software Expertise: MATLAB, ANSYS, COMSOL Multiphysics, LabVIEW

    No. Journal Papers Published (IF & Non-ID) Conference Papers Funding Agency/Total Cost Internation Collaborations
    1 30 20 HEC 2.8 (M) 3 International Universities
  • Dynamics and Process Control
    Group Profile

    The study is currently being conducted on the drone flight dynamics during multiple maneuvering path ways to stabilize its trajectory and perform task at hand with minimum deviations from set course. The development of standard drone has been done but to optimize weight, thrust and flight parameter along with limited energy resources the objective of the group is to reduce the weight increase the flight time and use new propellers for thrust. Similar techniques are being adapted for the underwater vehicle.

    • Flight dynamics during multiple maneuvering pathways to stabilize its trajectory and perform task at hand with minimum deviations from set course. The development of standard drone has been done but to optimize weight, thrust and flight parameter along with limited energy resources the objective of the group is to reduce the weight increase the flight time and use new propellers for thrust. Similar techniques are being adapted for the underwater vehicle.
    • Bio inspired Sensing and Bio inspired Actuation.
    • Underwater Vehicle dynamics and control

    Team Leader: Dr. Shoaib Naseem


  • Modeling and Simulation
    Group Profile
    • Performance Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Gasketed and Non-Gasketed Bolted Pipe Joints under Bolt up and operating conditions (internal pressure, axial, bending, thermal) to determine actual joint load capacity using experimental, analytical and Numerical techniques.
    • Welding Deformation and residual stress measurement studies using experimental, analytical and Numerical techniques.
    • Water and sediment flow simulations through Tarbela dam reservoir and tunnels.
    • Cavitation and erosion analysis of Francis Turbine blades, casing and air relief valves.
    • Erosion rate measurements using different sizes, shapes and quantity of particles.
    • Surface sensitivity and reliability analysis studies of non-gasketed joints using experimental techniques.
    • Design optimization of Overhead Crane Girders using analytical and Numerical techniques.
    • Simulation and modeling of high-speed machining and cutting using numerical techniques.
    • Leak detection systems study and implementation
    • Leak rate measurement using experimental, analytical, and numerical techniques.
    • Development of adaptive mesh generation algorithms and code parallelization for high performance computing.
    • Development of moving mesh techniques.
    • Spine modeling
    • Trans boundary water issues (Drought, flood prediction modeling using RS and GIS tools
    • FEA of different components of IC Engines
    • FEA of structural designs
    • Design, Analysis and Optimization of lightweight composite structures


  • Combustion and Propulsion

    The dynamics of the research group is to synthesize alternate green fuel for the existing combustion engines for aerospace industry, and to develop advanced propulsion systems for the industry. The group has broader spectrum in the fuel synthesis, which is currently being perused, is to develop alternate green fuel for automotive industry with zero carbon print.

    Team Leader: Dr. Shoaib Naseem


  • Compressible Flow Dynamics

    Research conducted in the group is to study how fluid such as air behaves at subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic speed. The group is working on the different designs for nozzles for hypersonic exhaust velocities. High pressure turbo pump are also being worked on, currently the simulation has shown promising result next step will be to manufacture using 3D printing tools for efficiency and performance parameter study. furthermore work has been initiated on the development of hypersonic tunnel for MACH number greater than 10 where effect of non-continuum media and combustion stability will be studied.

    Team Leader: Dr. Shoaib Naseem


Department of Mathematics

  • Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Coding Theory

    The research interests of this group include Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and the applications of algebraic and geometric structures in other fields. In past few years, coding, cryptography and digital security has become a major research focus. In this regard, the group explores such structures and techniques from abstract algebra, commutative algebra and algebraic geometry which can be successfully implemented in algebraic coding and cryptography etc. Besides this, the group is keenly interested to relate this study with the diverse areas in mathematics, computer science and other related disciplines as well. All the group members have active research collaborations at both the national and international level. Please feel free to browse through our faculty profiles to find out who we are, what research we do and courses and research opportunities we offer.

    Team Lead: Dr. Shabieh Farwa
  • Fluid Dynamics

    The Fluid Dynamics Group within the Department of Mathematics is committed to advancing our understanding of flow phenomena through mathematical, computational and experimental means. Fluid dynamics is relevant to a wide variety of fields including acoustics, bio-medicine, aerodynamics, turbo-machinery, engines, air/sea/land vehicles, renewable energy, weather systems, floods, fires, cosmology, and astrophysics. We develop fluid dynamics research in our traditional areas of expertise. At the same time, we believe that interdisciplinary partnership can bring additional complementary strength in understanding research problems. The group creates an environment where new directions or research emerge. We conduct internationally-recognized research in a number of different areas, including:

    • Heat Transfer
    • Nano Fluids
    • Laminar and Turbulence Flow
    • Convection in Porous Media
    • Blood Flow


  • Mathematical Biology

    The Mathematical Biology research group aims to study the biological models by employing mathematical approach. It mainly focuses on the theoretical investigations of biological models by applying the classical and advanced mathematical approaches. Mainly, the advancements in existing models and attempts to develop the now models mimicking the more realistic situations are focused. So far, the key research regimes encountered are peristalsis in humans, Blood flow through arterial bifurcations, Concentric and eccentric catheterizations to the diseased arteries, Blood flow through RCA-Right Coronary Artery, Blood flow through single and multiple constrictions with both regular and irregular stenosis, dynamics of suspensions and non-Newtonian characteristics mimicking biofluids and many others can be seen in research published and presented by group members. Research Group has high motivations to explore the new research areas with more advanced methodologies. These theoretical research studies can be used for experimental validations in future and helpful in the treatments of several diseases. Research group needs more manpower as MS and PHD students to further pursue its aims. Research group has a number of internationally reputed journals publications and also presented the results in international conferences and published books chapters


  • Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

    In mathematics, a dynamical system is one in which a function describes the time dependence of a point in a geometrical space. Examples include the mathematical models that describe the swinging of a clock pendulum, the flow of water in a pipe and the number of fish each springtime in a lake. In physics a dynamical system is described as a particle or ensemble of particles whose state varies over time and thus obeys differential equations involving time derivatives. This group deals with Dynamical systems which r a fundamental part of chaos theory, logistic map dynamics, bifurcation theory, self-assembly and self-organization. This group also deals with the analytical as well as numerical solutions of these differential equations.

    Team Lead: Dr. Muhammad Rafiq
  • Statistics and Complex Adaptive System Research Group

    This research group is involved in different areas of Statistics and Complex Adaptive System. The group also undertakes research and development of statistical problems and provide their solutions. The research group brings together multi-disciplinary researchers in the general area of Statistics (Sampling and Sampling Techniques: Randomized Response, Machine Learning, Statistical Process Control) and Complex Adaptive System (Process Innovation, System Analysis, Networks, Technological Innovation). In addition, the group has a keen interest on developing algorithms based on Monte Carlo and Evolutionary Simulation Techniques, Verifying Testing models by using primary and secondary data. The above mentioned techniques are handled by using well known software such as R, Mat Lab, Python, SPSS and Amos. Currently our group is working on multiple problems that would be published in well reputed international journals.


  • Solid Mechanics and Waves

    The Solid Mechanics and Waves group deals with the deformation in the solid structures and study the disturbances generated because of small deformation. This study normally associates with the propagation of disturbance in the form of Harmonic waves. Such analysis is useful in the field of Seismology and Engineering.


  • Graph Theory

    The Graph Theory research group is related to research and innovations in core areas of Graph Theory. The research group brings together multi-disciplinary researchers in the general area of Graph Theory including Optimization using Graph Theoretic approach, Spectral Graph Theory, Chemical Graph Theory and many other applied science research areas where Graph Theory has been used extensively such as, Image Processing, Game Theory e.t.c. In addition, the group has a keen interest on working new ideas where Algebra and Fuzzy set theory is amalgamated with Graph Theory develop innovative areas of research and development and also it aims to build linkage with industries. Our group have a number of publications in international journals and conferences published. Please feel free to browse through our faculty profiles to find out who we are, what research we do and courses and research opportunities we offer

    Team Lead: Dr. Yasir Bashir
  • Geometric Function Theory

    The Geometric Function Theory group deals with the complex variables in general and study the geometric characteristics of complex valued analytic functions. The geometric characteristics include arc length, radii problem, inclusion results, area problems, sufficiency criterion for certain functional classes, Hankel determinant problems, functional formation of new geometrical structures, certain coefficient estimates etc.

    Team Lead: Dr. Sarfraz Nawaz
  • General Relativity

    Black holes (BH) are one of the most esoteric objects in the universe (astrophysics) i.e. classically, objects can fall into the BH but nothing can escape from it, not even light. The formation of BH’s via the gravitational collapse of a super-giant star is fairly well-studied in the literature and well-understood, however, the double-null form, foliation of certain hyper-surfaces, butterfly coordinates, BH thermal physics and rainbow gravity of some BH’s arising in different gravities are still not well-explored yet. In this group, our main purpose is to investigate some aspects of space-time coordinates in different gravities that arises in gravitation. We will consider various kinds of BH’s, specific forms of matter, dust and magnetic field configurations, in order to study the earlier stated aspects. Our work will involve lots of analytical and numerical computations and analysis for studying the features of different types of space-time geometries.

  • Fuzzy Logic and Mathematics

    This research group undertakes research regarding the study of fuzzy logic in mathematics. We are interested to focus on fuzzy algebraic models, fuzzy sets, their types, and their applications in decision making. All the group members have active research collaborations at both the national and international level. Please feel free to browse through our faculty profiles to find out who we are, what research we do and courses and research opportunities we offer.

    Team Lead: Dr. Shabieh Farwa

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