Funded Projects

93 projects found.

S# Department Title Principal Investigator Designation Amount Approved Funding Agency Funding Program Year
1 Management Sciences Potential of ESG investing for the prosperity of Pakistani Equity Markets Prof. Dr Saqib Gulzar Professor/Dean 3.625 Millions HEC Pakistan Pak-France Peridot Research Program (Phase-X) 18-03-2024 On-Going
2 Management Sciences English Access Scholarship Dr Ambreen Shahnaz Assistant Professor 29.24 Millions USAID RELO (Regional English Language Office 11-Mar-24 On-Going
3 Mechanical Engineering Design and Development of Buoyancy Driven Underwater Glider Dr. Barkat Ullah Assistant Professor 0.4 Millions NESCOM RAC 2023-24 On-Going
4 Civil Engineering A Case Study of Physicochemical and Microbiological Assessment of Underground Water Quality Based on Water Quality Index in Wah Region through GIS Mapping Tools: Arc GIS Pro Mr. Waleed Tariq Lecturer 0.29 Millions CUI CRGP 2024-25 On-Going
5 Mechanical Engineering Deep Learning Based Fractographic Analysis of Composite Marterials using Scanning Electron Micrscopic SEM Images Dr. Atta Ur Rehman Associate Professor / Chairman 0.3 Millions CUI CRGP 2024-25 On-Going
6 Civil Engineering Use of Hemp Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Confinement of Brick Waste Aggregate Concrete Dr. Panumas Saingam (KMITL Thailand), Dr. Adnan Nawaz (Co-researcher) Associate Professor 2.8 Millions National Research Council (NRC), Thailand Academic Melting Pot 2022-23 Completed
7 Computer Science Quantum Image Processing Based Image Classification and Recognition Dr. Muhammad Sharif Associate Professor 0.2 Millions NESCOM Research Collaboration Program 2022-23 On-Going
8 Computer Science PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership Grant For Faculty Dr. Muhammad Khalil Afzal Associate Professor 21 Millions British Council PAK-UK 2022-23 Completed
9 Mechanical Engineering PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership Grant For Faculty Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid Director CUI Wah 17.93 Millions British Council PAK-UK 2022-23 On-Going
10 Electrical & Computer Engineering Grounding Drid Fault Diagnosis with Emphasis on Substation Electromagnetic Interference Dr. Aamir Qamar Assistant Professor 5.196 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
11 Electrical & Computer Engineering Standard Cell Design of Low Power Reversible Circuits for Green ICT Dr. Muhammad Awais Assistant Professor 2.395 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
12 Electrical & Computer Engineering A Framework for Reliable Link Adaptive Position Based Jet-Powered UAVs Communication Using Artificial Intelligence Dr. Nadia Nawaz Associate Professor 7.878 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
13 Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Intelligent Counter-Unmanned Air Vehicles System for Security-Sensitive Institutions Dr. Zeeshan Kaleem Assistant Professor 10.524 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
14 Electrical & Computer Engineering Computer-Aided Mammography Diagnosis System Dr. Tallha Akram Associate Professor 14.55 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
15 Mechanical Engineering Development of Micro-texturing machine for enhancing the efficiency of Automotive components Dr Arslan Ahmed Assistant Professor 6.33 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
16 Mechanical Engineering Developments of ad Transient Hot-Point technique for Thermal Characterization of Insulatin gand Building Materials Dr. Muhammad Abid Assistant Professor 2.77 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
17 Electrical & Computer Engineering Cohort: A 32-bit configurable Digital Signal Processor for Industrial control Applications Prof. Dr. Nadia Nawaz Professor 2 Millions PSF Competitive Research Program 2019-20 On-Going
18 Mathematics Developments in Operator Theory of Complex Variables Dr. Sarfraz Nawaz Malik Associate Professor 1.94 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
19 Computer Science ALIVE - ArtificiaL Intelligence for Improving the Performance of Software Defined Vehicular Network-based Fog computing Environments Dr. Nadir Shah Associate Professor 16.18 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
20 Electrical & Computer Engineering DSP Accelerator Design for RISC-V Processor Prof. Dr. Nadia Nawaz Professor 3 Millions NESCOM Research Collaboration Program 2022-23 On-Going
21 Electrical & Computer Engineering Linear Adaptive Filter Based Multipath Distance Detector Algorithm for GNSS Spoofing Detection Dr. M. Adeel Akram Lecturer 0.1 Millions NESCOM Research Collaboration Program 2022-23 On-Going
22 Electrical & Computer Engineering Grounding Grid Fault Diagnosis with Emphasis on Substation Electromagnetic Interference Dr. Aamir Qamar Associate Professor 5.196 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
23 Civil Engineering An Investigative Study on Manufacturing Process and Mechanical Properties of Bricks in Pakistan Dr. Adnan Nawaz Associate Professor 9.082 Millions HEC NRPU 2019-21 Completed
24 Civil Engineering Inspection and Evaluation of the Cause of Failure of Concrete Electric Poles Dr.Rattapoohm Parichatprecha (KMITL Thailand),Dr. Tahir Mehmood (Co-researcher) Associate Professor 40 Millions Provisional Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand Research and Innovation Fund 2021-23 Completed
25 Civil Engineering Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Non Engineered Reinforced Concrete Structures in Rural Areas of Thailand Dr. Kittipoom Rodsin (KMUT Thailand), Dr. Tahir Mehmood (Co-researcher) Associate Professor 12.5 Millions National Research Council (NRC), Thailand National Research Council (NRC), Thailand 2019-21 Completed
26 Civil Engineering 2021 Faculty Research Collaboration Grant Dr. Faheem Ullah (UniSQ Australia), Dr. Ahsen Maqsoom (Co-researcher) Associate Professor 1.15 Millions Australian Research Council Faculty Research Collaboration Grant 2021-22 Completed
27 Computer Science Sensing, Artificial intelligence, and Edge networking towards Rural Health monitoring (SAFE-Rural-Health Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir Associate Professor 26.49 Millions UK Joint Research Project The European Union's Erasmus+ Programme 2020-21 On-Going
28 Computer Science Drone Robotic Fish for Flowing Water Disease Detection and Analysis Dr. Jamal Hussain Shah Assistant Professor 3.446 Millions HEC NRPU 2018-19 On-Going
29 Computer Science Multi-Parametric QoS Predictions in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. M. Khalil Afzal Assistant Professor 5.72 Millions European Commission Horizon 2020 Fed4Fire (European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education) 2018-19 Completed
30 Electrical & Computer Engineering Back Agitating Telemetry Interface Network (BATIN) Dr. Zahoor Uddin / Dr. Faisal Azam Assistant Professor 0.1 Millions RAC NESCOM 2018-19 Completed
31 Electrical & Computer Engineering Design, modeling and analysis of ubiquitous 5G wireless communication system Dr. Umer Javed Assistant Professor 0.47 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2018-19 Completed
32 Electrical & Computer Engineering A System for Health Monitoring of Railway Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed Assistant Professor 0.88 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
33 Electrical & Computer Engineering A Frame Work for Remote Monitoring of Cotton Plant Vigor Dr. M. Iqbal Associate Professor 1.159 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
34 Computer Science A Framework for Optimizing Energy in the Execution of Data-Intensive Application in Heterogeneous Computing Systems Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmad Assistant Professor 0.362 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2018-19 Completed
35 Computer Science Multi Objective Medium Access Control Configuration in Wireless Sensors Networks using Machine Learning Dr. M. Khalil Afzal Assistant Professor 0.986 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
36 Mechanical Engineering Design Improvement of High-Torque Low-Speed Diesel Engine Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 2.097 Millions PSF Joint Research Project Through MOU 2018-19 On-Going
37 Mechanical Engineering Gel Fuel Injection System Dr. M. Shoaib Naseem Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2018-19 Completed
38 Interdisciplinary Research Center Computational Fluid Mechanics Prof. Dr. M. Abid Chairman 0.583 Millions HEC PPCR 2018-19 Completed
39 Interdisciplinary Research Center Design and development of innovative impact resistant hybrid structures based on super elastic shape memory alloys and light weight lattice Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 7.21 Millions PSF PAK-China 2017-18 Completed
40 Mathematics Validation of 0D model of the human arm arteries Dr. Raheem Gul Assistant Professor 0.21 Millions CUI CRGP 2018-19 Completed
41 Computer Science Automatic Natural SceneUnderstanding and Classification for Humanoid Robots Dr. Mussarat Yasmin Assistant Professor 0.12 Millions CUI CRGP 2018-19 Completed
42 Mechanical Engineering Development of High Stroke Reciprocation Test Rig for Tribological Performance Evaluation Dr. Ali Usman Assistant Professor 0.3 Millions CUI CRGP 2018-19 Completed
43 Mechanical Engineering Gel Propulsion System Dr. M. Shoaib Naseem Assistant Professor 0.3 Millions CUI CRGP 2018-19 On-Going
44 Mathematics Reversible Integer Wavelet Transform for Blind Image Hiding Method Dr. Nazeer M. Assistant Professor 0.445 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
45 Management Sciences Measuring the Effectiveness of Code Corporate in Pakistani Context Dr. M. Yar Khan Assistant Professor 0.355 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2017-18 Completed
46 Management Sciences Critical Discourse Analysis of Urdu print Media in the Construction of Political Ideologies in Pakistan Dr. Ayyaz Qadeer Assistant Professor 0.355 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2017-18 Completed
47 Computer Science Automated Human Behavior Analysis from Distributed Non-Overlapping Camerasnetwork Dr. Jamal Hussain Shah Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
48 Computer Science Buffer Management Policies for DTN Routing Prrotocol under Resourcescarce Environment Dr. Sulma Rashid Assistant Professor 0.463 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
49 Computer Science Fault Localization in Term of Security and Management Policy in Software Defined Networks Dr. Nadir Shah Associate Professor 3.77 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
50 Electrical & Computer Engineering Porting of open CPN/Falcon view on embedded platform for evaluation as real -time navigation aid/mission planning Dr. Nadia Nawaz Qadri Associate Professor 0.2 Millions RAC NESCOM 2017-18 Completed
51 Electrical & Computer Engineering Break Point Diagnosis of Substations, Grounding Grid Dr. Aamir Qamar Assistant Professor 0.495 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
52 Electrical & Computer Engineering Distributed Congestion-Aware Traffic Load Balancing through Routing in Low Power and Limited Boradcast Range Wireless and Hoc Networks Dr. Hafiz M. Omer Chughtai Assistant Professor 0.482 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
53 Electrical & Computer Engineering FPGA based microprocessor customization for evaluation as general purpose/embedded secure computing platform Dr. M. Awais Assistant Professor 0.2 Millions RAC NESCOM 2017-18 Completed
54 Electrical & Computer Engineering Neighbors' Interference Situation-Aware Power controol Scheme for Dense 5G Moblile Communication Systerm Dr. Zeeshan Kaleem Assistant Professor 0.465 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
55 Electrical & Computer Engineering Flight Route Optimization Algorithms for Commercial Arifrafts Software/Algorithm Design Dr. Nadia Nawaz Qadri Associate Professor 0.1 Millions RAC NESCOM 2015-16 Completed
56 Electrical & Computer Engineering Plant Stress Detection Using Hyperspectral Imaging Dr. M. Uzair Assistant Professor 0.36 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
57 Management Sciences Industry, Academic & Governament Linkages "Creating and Making it Work" Dr. Samina Nawab Associate Professor 3.188924 Millions HEC NRPU 2015-16 Completed
58 Electrical & Computer Engineering Design And Implementation of Advanced LDPC Decoder for next Generation Communication Targeting Giga Bits Per Second(Gbps) Throughout Dr. M. Awais Assistant Professor 0.2 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
59 Management Sciences Adoption of Cloud Based E-Government Systems: LRMIS for Social Development Dr. Amer Rajput Assistant Professor 1.91 Millions HEC Thematic Research Grant Program 2015-16 Completed
60 Electrical & Computer Engineering Evaluating the Performance and Power Effectiveness of Asynchoronous Processor Customized for Many-Core Systems Dr. Syed Rameez Naqvi Assistant Professor 0.998 Millions PSF PSF 2016-17 Completed
61 Mathematics Applications of Boundary Layer Flows in Industries Dr. M. Bilal Ashraf Assistant Professor 0.287 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2015-16 Completed
62 Mathematics A Study on Geometric Properties of Special Functions Dr. Sarfraz Nawaz Malik Assistant Professor 0.2 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
63 Interdisciplinary Research Center Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood and Drought Prediction for the Kabul River Basin (KRB) with Surface and Groundwater Modeling Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 31.5 Millions USAID (PEER) USAID (PEER) 2016-17 Completed
64 Management Sciences Motivations of China's FDI in Pakistan: A CPEC Perspective Dr. Khuram Shafi Assistant Professor 0.467 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2015-16 Completed
65 Mechanical Engineering Steady state thermal stress analysis of a high speed diesel engine piston Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 0.31 Millions HIT/PSF PSF 2016-17 Completed
66 Civil Engineering Experimental and Analytical Seismic Assessment of RC Column and RC Walls Dr. Tahir Mehmood Associate Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2015-16 Completed
67 Civil Engineering Internationalization of Service: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Economy Construction Firms Dr. Ahsen Maqsoom Associate Professor 0.241 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2015-16 Completed
68 Management Sciences Review of Business Education Curriculum in Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Mohsin Zahid Assistant Professor 0.17 Millions CUI CRGP 2016-17 Completed
69 Civil Engineering Analysis of CFRP Anchorage Systems for RC Jonts Dr. Qazi Sami Ullah Assistant Professor 0.288 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
70 Interdisciplinary Research Center Design and stress analysis of crank shaft of a diesel engine Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 2.3 Millions HIT/PSF PSF 2015-16 Completed
71 Mathematics Numerical Solutions of Population Balance Models for Particulate Process Dr. Safyan Mukhtar. New PI Dr. Hafiz Ubaid Ullah Assistant Professor 0.161 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
72 Mathematics On the Study of Fault Tolerant Design in Various Lattice Networks and Lattice Structures Dr. Yasir Bashir Assistant Professor 0.057 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
73 Management Sciences Post Doctoral Fellowship Program Dr. Saqib Gulzar Associate Professor 1.45 Millions HEC Post Doctoral Fellow-Ship 2014-15 Completed
74 Mathematics Mode-Matching and Low-Frequency Analysis of Some Structural Wave Problems Dr. Rab Nawaz Assistant Professor 0.391 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
75 Electrical & Computer Engineering Adaptive Estimation and prediction of distrubance and its use in Model predictive control Dr .Sajjad Ali Haider Assistant Professor 0.148 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
76 Electrical & Computer Engineering Detection of Unauthorized Movement in Vedio, Utilizing Saliency Concepts Dr. Talha Akram Assistant Professor 0.286 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
77 Management Sciences Globalization and Technology Diffusion in Developing Economies Dr. Syeda Tamkeen Fatima Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
78 Management Sciences Volatile Oil Prices and its Dynamics Comparative Analysis of US and Pakistan Dr. Ghulam Mujtaba Assistant Professor 0.283 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2015-16 Completed
79 Management Sciences Optimization of Instutional Protfolio Investments Dr. Syed M. Ali Termizi Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
80 Management Sciences Gain of Competitive Advantage through Supplier Development Practices Dr. Amer Rajput Assistant Professor 0.437 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
81 Management Sciences Employee Retention through Delegative Participation Practices Dr. Komal Khalid Bhatti Assistant Professor 0.395 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
82 Electrical & Computer Engineering Real Time Implementtio of Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) Dr. Abdul Naeem Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
83 Electrical & Computer Engineering Multi-Criteria Optimization for Green Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks Dr. M. Naeem Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
84 Electrical & Computer Engineering Efficient hardward implementation of interpolation filter HEVC standard, targeting low power mobile devices Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed Assistant Professor 0.453 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
85 Electrical & Computer Engineering Design of a library of fault-tolerannt asynchronous logic primitives Dr. Syed Rameez Naqvi Assistant Professor 0.2 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2013-14 Completed
86 Computer Science Stopping the Data Theft: Tracing the Guilty Agent Dr. M. Kamran Assistant Professor 0.44 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
87 Computer Science Connectivity Optimization under Microscopic Permater for VANET Dr. Tariq Umer Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
88 Mathematics Some New Boundedness Results for Integral Operators Dr. Amjad Hussain Assistant Professor 0.416 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
89 Mathematics On efficient control charts to monitor process parameters using different sampling schemes Dr. Shabbir Ahmad Assistant Professor 0.415 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
90 Mathematics On the Study of Energetic Balance in Continum Mechanecs Dr. M. Rafiq Sial Assistant Professor 0.436 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
91 Library Lab strengthening and up gradationof library, CIIT Wah Mr. Farhad Ali Deputy Librarian 0.933 Millions HEC Grant for Maintenance of Scientific Eqipments 2013-14 Completed
92 Computer Science Collaboration for Non-invasive cardiovascular research and development Between CIIT AFIC and Cardiff University, Hospital Cardiff Under POCR Dr. M. Adnan Khattak Assistant Professor 0.3 Millions HEC POCR 2006-07 Completed
93 Electrical & Computer Engineering Strengthening the R & D Section of the Communicaton Engineering Laboratory at the Computer Enignieering Dept. CIIT Wah Dr. Zahid Saleem Assistant Professor 0.622 Millions HEC Lab Strengthening & Library upgradation 2006-07 Completed

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