Funded Projects

15 projects found.

S# Department Title Principal Investigator Designation Amount Approved Funding Agency Funding Program Year
1 Computer Science PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership Grant For Faculty Dr. Muhammad Khalil Afzal Associate Professor 21 Millions British Council PAK-UK 2022-23 Completed
2 Computer Science Quantum Image Processing Based Image Classification and Recognition Dr. Muhammad Sharif Associate Professor 0.2 Millions NESCOM Research Collaboration Program 2022-23 On-Going
3 Computer Science ALIVE - ArtificiaL Intelligence for Improving the Performance of Software Defined Vehicular Network-based Fog computing Environments Dr. Nadir Shah Associate Professor 16.18 Millions HEC NRPU 2021-22 On-Going
4 Computer Science Sensing, Artificial intelligence, and Edge networking towards Rural Health monitoring (SAFE-Rural-Health Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir Associate Professor 26.49 Millions UK Joint Research Project The European Union's Erasmus+ Programme 2020-21 On-Going
5 Computer Science Drone Robotic Fish for Flowing Water Disease Detection and Analysis Dr. Jamal Hussain Shah Assistant Professor 3.446 Millions HEC NRPU 2018-19 On-Going
6 Computer Science Multi-Parametric QoS Predictions in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. M. Khalil Afzal Assistant Professor 5.72 Millions European Commission Horizon 2020 Fed4Fire (European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education) 2018-19 Completed
7 Computer Science Automatic Natural SceneUnderstanding and Classification for Humanoid Robots Dr. Mussarat Yasmin Assistant Professor 0.12 Millions CUI CRGP 2018-19 Completed
8 Computer Science A Framework for Optimizing Energy in the Execution of Data-Intensive Application in Heterogeneous Computing Systems Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmad Assistant Professor 0.362 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2018-19 Completed
9 Computer Science Multi Objective Medium Access Control Configuration in Wireless Sensors Networks using Machine Learning Dr. M. Khalil Afzal Assistant Professor 0.986 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
10 Computer Science Fault Localization in Term of Security and Management Policy in Software Defined Networks Dr. Nadir Shah Associate Professor 3.77 Millions HEC NRPU 2017-18 Completed
11 Computer Science Automated Human Behavior Analysis from Distributed Non-Overlapping Camerasnetwork Dr. Jamal Hussain Shah Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
12 Computer Science Buffer Management Policies for DTN Routing Prrotocol under Resourcescarce Environment Dr. Sulma Rashid Assistant Professor 0.463 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2016-17 Completed
13 Computer Science Stopping the Data Theft: Tracing the Guilty Agent Dr. M. Kamran Assistant Professor 0.44 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
14 Computer Science Connectivity Optimization under Microscopic Permater for VANET Dr. Tariq Umer Assistant Professor 0.5 Millions HEC Startup Research Grant 2014-15 Completed
15 Computer Science Collaboration for Non-invasive cardiovascular research and development Between CIIT AFIC and Cardiff University, Hospital Cardiff Under POCR Dr. M. Adnan Khattak Assistant Professor 0.3 Millions HEC POCR 2006-07 Completed

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