Funded Projects

4 projects found.

S# Department Title Principal Investigator Designation Amount Approved Funding Agency Funding Program Year
1 Interdisciplinary Research Center Computational Fluid Mechanics Prof. Dr. M. Abid Chairman 0.583 Millions HEC PPCR 2018-19 Completed
2 Interdisciplinary Research Center Design and development of innovative impact resistant hybrid structures based on super elastic shape memory alloys and light weight lattice Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 7.21 Millions PSF PAK-China 2017-18 Completed
3 Interdisciplinary Research Center Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood and Drought Prediction for the Kabul River Basin (KRB) with Surface and Groundwater Modeling Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 31.5 Millions USAID (PEER) USAID (PEER) 2016-17 Completed
4 Interdisciplinary Research Center Design and stress analysis of crank shaft of a diesel engine Prof. Dr. M. Abid Professor 2.3 Millions HIT/PSF PSF 2015-16 Completed

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